Karina Garay-Palmett
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Cited by
Photon pair-state preparation with tailored spectral properties by spontaneous four-wave mixing in photonic-crystal fiber
K Garay-Palmett, HJ McGuinness, O Cohen, JS Lundeen, R Rangel-Rojo, ...
Optics express 15 (22), 14870-14886, 2007
Joint spectral characterization of photon-pair sources
K Zielnicki, K Garay-Palmett, D Cruz-Delgado, H Cruz-Ramirez, ...
Journal of Modern Optics 65 (10), 1141-1160, 2018
Heralded single-photon source utilizing highly nondegenerate, spectrally factorable spontaneous parametric downconversion
F Kaneda, K Garay-Palmett, AB U’Ren, PG Kwiat
Optics express 24 (10), 10733-10747, 2016
Experimental proposal for the generation of entangled photon triplets by third-order spontaneous parametric downconversion in optical fibers
M Corona, K Garay-Palmett, AB U’Ren
Optics letters 36 (2), 190-192, 2011
Third-order spontaneous parametric down-conversion in thin optical fibers as a photon-triplet source
M Corona, K Garay-Palmett, AB U’Ren
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (3), 033823, 2011
Fiber-based photon-pair source capable of hybrid entanglement in frequency and transverse mode, controllably scalable to higher dimensions
D Cruz-Delgado, R Ramirez-Alarcon, E Ortiz-Ricardo, J Monroy-Ruz, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 27377, 2016
Photon-pair generation by intermodal spontaneous four-wave mixing in birefringent, weakly guiding optical fibers
K Garay-Palmett, D Cruz-Delgado, F Dominguez-Serna, E Ortiz-Ricardo, ...
Physical Review A 93 (3), 033810, 2016
Theory of cavity-enhanced spontaneous four wave mixing
K Garay-Palmett, Y Jeronimo-Moreno, AB U’ren
Laser Physics 23 (1), 015201, 2012
Fiber-based photon-pair generation: tutorial
K Garay-Palmett, DB Kim, Y Zhang, FA Domínguez-Serna, VO Lorenz, ...
JOSA B 40 (3), 469-490, 2023
Progress toward third-order parametric down-conversion in optical fibers
A Cavanna, J Hammer, C Okoth, E Ortiz-Ricardo, H Cruz-Ramirez, ...
Physical Review A 101 (3), 033840, 2020
Conversion efficiency in the process of copolarized spontaneous four-wave mixing
K Garay-Palmett, AB U’Ren, R Rangel-Rojo
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (4), 043809, 2010
Ultrabroadband photon pair preparation by spontaneous four-wave mixing in a dispersion-engineered optical fiber
K Garay-Palmett, AB U’Ren, R Rangel-Rojo, R Evans, S Camacho-López
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (4), 043827, 2008
Configurable spatiotemporal properties in a photon-pair source based on spontaneous four-wave mixing with multiple transverse modes
D Cruz-Delgado, J Monroy-Ruz, AM Barragan, E Ortiz-Ricardo, ...
Optics Letters 39 (12), 3583-3586, 2014
Spontaneous parametric processes in modern optics
H Cruz-Ramirez, R Ramirez-Alarcon, M Corona, K Garay-Palmett, ...
Optics and Photonics News 22 (11), 36-41, 2011
Spectral tunability of two-photon states generated by spontaneous four-wave mixing: fibre tapering, temperature variation and longitudinal stress
E Ortiz-Ricardo, C Bertoni-Ocampo, Z Ibarra-Borja, R Ramirez-Alarcon, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 2 (3), 034015, 2017
Counter-propagating spontaneous four wave mixing: photon-pair factorability and ultra-narrowband single photons
J Monroy-Ruz, K Garay-Palmett, AB U’Ren
New Journal of Physics 18 (10), 103026, 2016
An integrated photonic circuit for color qubit preparation by third-order nonlinear interactions
AL Aguayo-Alvarado, F Domínguez-Serna, WDL Cruz, K Garay-Palmett
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 5154, 2022
Reciprocity and Babinet’s principles applied to the enhancement of the electric and magnetic local density of states in integrated plasmonics on silicon photonics
AA Meza-Olivo, K Garay-Palmett, S Blaize, R Salas-Montiel
Applied optics 57 (30), 9155-9163, 2018
Tailored photon pair preparation relying on full group velocity matching in fiber-based spontaneous four-wave mixing
K Garay-Palmett, R Rangel-Rojo, AB U'Ren
Journal of Modern Optics 55 (19-20), 3121-3131, 2008
Third order parametric downconversion: a stimulated approach
FA Dominguez-Serna, AB U'Ren, K Garay-Palmett
Phys. Rev. A 101, 033813, 2020
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Articles 1–20