Hannah Kosow
Hannah Kosow
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Methods of future and scenario analysis: overview, assessment, and selection criteria
H Kosow, R Gaßner
DEU 39, 133, 2008
Methoden der Zukunfts-und Szenarioanalyse: Überblick Bewertung und Auswahlkriterien
R Gaßner, H Kosow
Online unter: https://www. izt. de/fileadmin/publikationen/IZT_WB103. pdf …, 2008
Context scenarios and their usage for the construction of socio-technical energy scenarios
W Weimer-Jehle, J Buchgeister, W Hauser, H Kosow, T Naegler, ...
Energy 111, 956-970, 2016
Scenario processes for socio-environmental systems analysis of futures: a review of recent efforts and a salient research agenda for supporting decision making
S Elsawah, SH Hamilton, AJ Jakeman, D Rothman, V Schweizer, ...
Science of the Total Environment 729, 138393, 2020
Socio-technical energy scenarios: state-of-the-art and CIB-based approaches
W Weimer-Jehle, S Vögele, W Hauser, H Kosow, WR Poganietz, ...
Climatic change 162, 1723-1741, 2020
Adopting pervasive computing for routine use in healthcare
C Orwat, A Rashid, C Holtmann, M Wolk, M Scheermesser, H Kosow, ...
IEEE Pervasive Computing 9 (2), 64-71, 2010
User acceptance of pervasive computing in healthcare: Main findings of two case studies
M Scheermesser, H Kosow, A Rashid, C Holtmann
2008 Second International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2008
Designing synergetic and sustainable policy mixes-a methodology to address conflictive environmental issues
H Kosow, W Weimer-Jehle, CD León, F Minn
Environmental Science & Policy 130, 36-46, 2022
New outlooks in traceability and consistency of integrated scenarios
H Kosow
European Journal of Futures Research 3, 1-12, 2015
The best of both worlds?: An exploratory study on forms and effects of new qualitative-quantitative scenario methodologies
H Kosow
Die Szenariotechnik als Methode der Experten-und Stakeholdereinbindung
H Kosow, CD León
Methoden der Experten-und Stakeholdereinbindung in der …, 2015
Designing policy mixes for emerging wicked problems. The case of pharmaceutical residues in freshwaters
S Kirschke, H Kosow
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 24 (5), 486-497, 2022
Konsistente Rahmendaten für Modellierungen und Szenariobildung im Umweltbundesamt
W Weimer-Jehle, S Wassermann, H Kosow
Gutachten für das Umweltbundesamt (UBA), UBA-Texte 20 (2011), 26-42, 2011
Linking qualitative scenarios with quantitative energy models: knowledge integration in different methodological designs
S Prehofer, H Kosow, T Naegler, T Pregger, S Vögele, W Weimer-Jehle
Energy, sustainability and society 11, 1-20, 2021
Consistent Context Scenarios: New Approach to ‘Story and Simulation’
H Kosow
Book of Abstracts, 175, 2011
Pervasive Computing in der medizinischen Versorgung: Eine Einführung in den Schwerpunkt
C Orwat, A Rashid, M Wölk, C Holtmann, M Scheermesser, H Kosow
TATuP-Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice 17 (1), 5-12, 2008
Escenarios para el futuro–Lima y Callao 2040
H Kosow, C León, M Schütze
Escenarios CIB, storylines & simulación LiWatool, 2013
Das Konzept der Deutungsmacht: ein Beitrag zur gegenwärtigen Machtdebatte in der Politischen Theorie?
S Schubert, H Kosow
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 36 (1), 37-47, 2007
Gesellschaftliche Kontextszenarien als Ausgangspunkt für modellgestützte Energieszenarien
W Weimer-Jehle, H Kosow, CD León
Dieckhoff, Christian; Fichtner, Wolf; Grunwald, Armin; Meyer, Sarah, 53-65, 2011
Scenarios of water extremes: Framing ways forward for wicked problems
H Kosow, S Kirschke, D Borchardt, J Cullmann, JHA Guillaume, ...
Hydrological Processes 36 (2), e14492, 2022
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