Simon Becker
Simon Becker
Hermann-Weyl Instructor ETHZ
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Mathematics of magic angles in a model of twisted bilayer graphene
S Becker, M Embree, J Wittsten, M Zworski
Probability and Mathematical Physics 3 (1), 69-103, 2022
Spectral characterization of magic angles in twisted bilayer graphene
S Becker, M Embree, J Wittsten, M Zworski
Physical Review B 103 (16), 165113, 2021
Convergence rates for quantum evolution and entropic continuity bounds in infinite dimensions
S Becker, N Datta
Communications in Mathematical Physics 374 (2), 823-871, 2020
Geometry of energy landscapes and the optimizability of deep neural networks
S Becker, Y Zhang, AA Lee
Physical review letters 124 (10), 108301, 2020
Cantor spectrum of graphene in magnetic fields
S Becker, R Han, S Jitomirskaya
Inventiones mathematicae 218, 979-1041, 2019
Classical shadow tomography for continuous variables quantum systems
S Becker, N Datta, L Lami, C Rouzé
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2024
Energy-constrained discrimination of unitaries, quantum speed limits, and a Gaussian Solovay-Kitaev theorem
S Becker, N Datta, L Lami, C Rouzé
Physical Review Letters 126 (19), 190504, 2021
Convergence rates for the quantum central limit theorem
S Becker, N Datta, L Lami, C Rouzé
Communications in Mathematical Physics 383, 223-279, 2021
Infinite-dimensional bilinear and stochastic balanced truncation with explicit error bounds
S Becker, C Hartmann
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 31, 1-37, 2019
Integrability in the chiral model of magic angles
S Becker, T Humbert, M Zworski
Communications in Mathematical Physics 403 (2), 1153-1169, 2023
Fine structure of flat bands in a chiral model of magic angles
S Becker, T Humbert, M Zworski
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.01628, 2022
Magnetic oscillations in a model of graphene
S Becker, M Zworski
Communications in mathematical physics 367, 941-989, 2019
Spectral analysis of the 2+ 1 fermionic trimer with contact interactions
S Becker, A Michelangeli, A Ottolini
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 21 (4), 35, 2018
Edge state dynamics along curved interfaces
G Bal, S Becker, A Drouot, CF Kammerer, J Lu, AB Watson
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 55 (5), 4219-4254, 2023
Schrödinger and polyharmonic operators on infinite graphs: parabolic well-posedness and p-independence of spectra
S Becker, F Gregorio, D Mugnolo
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 495 (2), 124748, 2021
Quantum Zeno effect in open quantum systems
S Becker, N Datta, R Salzmann
Annales Henri Poincaré 22 (11), 3795-3840, 2021
From classical to quantum: Uniform continuity bounds on entropies in infinite dimensions
S Becker, N Datta, MG Jabbour
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 69 (7), 4128-4144, 2023
Symmetric tops in combined electric fields: Conditional quasisolvability via the quantum Hamilton-Jacobi theory
K Schatz, B Friedrich, S Becker, B Schmidt
Physical Review A 97 (5), 053417, 2018
Conditional quasi-exact solvability of the quantum planar pendulum and of its anti-isospectral hyperbolic counterpart
S Becker, M Mirahmadi, B Schmidt, K Schatz, B Friedrich
The European Physical Journal D 71, 1-20, 2017
Degenerate flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene
S Becker, T Humbert, M Zworski
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.02909, 2023
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