Jens Mutke
Jens Mutke
Bonn Institute of Organismic Biology (BIOB) – Plant Biodiversity Section, University of Bonn
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A global assessment of endemism and species richness across island and mainland regions
G Kier, H Kreft, TM Lee, W Jetz, PL Ibisch, C Nowicki, J Mutke, W Barthlott
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (23), 9322-9327, 2009
Global patterns of plant diversity and floristic knowledge
G Kier, J Mutke, E Dinerstein, TH Ricketts, W Küper, H Kreft, W Barthlott
Journal of Biogeography 32 (7), 1107-1116, 2005
Patterns of vascular plant diversity at continental to global scales
J Mutke, W Barthlott
Biologiske Skrifter 55, 521-537, 2005
Global Centers of Vascular Plant Diversity
W Barthlott, J Mutke, D Rafiqpoor, G Kier, H Kreft
Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 92, 61–83, 2005
Global diversity of island floras from a macroecological perspective
H Kreft, W Jetz, J Mutke, G Kier, W Barthlott
Ecology Letters 11 (2), 116-127, 2008
Geographic patterns of vascular plant diversity at continental to global scales
W Barthlott, A Hostert, G Kier, W Küper, H Kreft, J Mutke, MD Rafiqpoor, ...
Erdkunde 61 (4), 305-315, 2007
Terminological and methodological aspects of the mapping and analysis of the global biodiversity
W Barthlott, N Biedinger, G Braun, F Feig, G Kier, J Mutke
Acta Botanica Fennica 162, 103-110, 1999
Contrasting environmental and regional effects on global pteridophyte and seed plant diversity
H Kreft, W Jetz, J Mutke, W Barthlott
Ecography 33 (2), 408-419, 2010
Africa's hotspots of biodiversity redefined
W Küper, JH Sommer, JC Lovett, J Mutke, HP Linder, HJ Beentje, ...
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 525-535, 2004
Projected impacts of climate change on regional capacities for global plant species richness
JH Sommer, H Kreft, G Kier, W Jetz, J Mutke, W Barthlott
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1692), 2271-2280, 2010
Global associations between terrestrial producer and vertebrate consumer diversity
W Jetz, H Kreft, G Ceballos, J Mutke
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1655), 269-278, 2009
A numerical re-evaluation of the sub-Saharan phytochoria of mainland Africa
HP Linder, J Lovett, JM Mutke, W Barthlott, N Jürgens, T Rebelo, W Küper
Biologiske Skrifter 55, 229-252, 2005
Global moss diversity: spatial and taxonomic patterns of species richness
JL Geffert, JP Frahm, W Barthlott, J Mutke
Journal of Bryology 35 (1), 1-11, 2013
Measuring the fate of plant diversity: towards a foundation for future monitoring and opportunities for urgent action
E Nic Lughadha, J Baillie, W Barthlott, NA Brummitt, MR Cheek, A Farjon, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 360 …, 2005
Major gaps in the distribution of protected areas for threatened and narrow range Afrotropical plants
N Burgess, W Küper, J Mutke, J Brown, S Westaway, S Turpie, C Meshack, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 14 (8), 1877-1894, 2005
Patterns of African vascular plant diversity: A GIS based analysis
J Mutke, G Kier, G Braun, Chr. Schultz, W Barthlott
Systematics and Geography of Plants, 1125-1136, 2001
Diversity patterns of selected Andean plant groups correspond to topography and habitat dynamics, not orogeny
J Mutke, R Jacobs, K Meyer, T Henning, M Weigend
Frontiers in Genetics 5, 00351, 2014
Diversity patterns of selected Andean plant groups correspond to topography and habitat dynamics, not orogeny
J Mutke, R Jacobs, K Meyer, T Henning, M Weigend
Evolutionary and Population Genetics 5, 180, 2014
Biogeography and Biodiversity of Cacti
W Barthlott, K Burstedde, L Geffert, PL Ibisch, N Korotkova, A Miebach, ...
Schumannia 7, 1-205, 2015
Vascular plant diversity in a changing world: global centres and biome-specific patterns
J Mutke, JH Sommer, H Kreft, G Kier, W Barthlott
Biodiversity hotspots: distribution and protection of conservation priority …, 2011
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