Lin Zschiedrich
Lin Zschiedrich, ZIB
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Magnetic metamaterials at telecommunication and visible frequencies
C Enkrich, M Wegener, S Linden, S Burger, L Zschiedrich, F Schmidt, ...
Physical review letters 95 (20), 203901, 2005
Adaptive finite element method for simulation of optical nano structures
J Pomplun, S Burger, L Zschiedrich, F Schmidt
physica status solidi (b) 244 (10), 3419-3434, 2007
Solving time-harmonic scattering problems based on the pole condition II: convergence of the PML method
T Hohage, F Schmidt, L Zschiedrich
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 35 (3), 547-560, 2003
Quasinormal mode solvers for resonators with dispersive materials
P Lalanne, W Yan, A Gras, C Sauvan, JP Hugonin, M Besbes, G Demésy, ...
JOSA A 36 (4), 686-704, 2019
Numerical solution of nonlocal hydrodynamic Drude model for arbitrary shaped nano-plasmonic structures using Nédélec finite elements
KR Hiremath, L Zschiedrich, F Schmidt
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (17), 5890-5896, 2012
Benchmark of FEM, waveguide, and FDTD algorithms for rigorous mask simulation
S Burger, R Köhle, L Zschiedrich, W Gao, F Schmidt, R März, C Nölscher
25th annual BACUS Symposium on photomask technology 5992, 378-389, 2005
A new finite element realization of the perfectly matched layer method for Helmholtz scattering problems on polygonal domains in two dimensions
L Zschiedrich, R Klose, A Schädle, F Schmidt
Journal of Computational and applied mathematics 188 (1), 12-32, 2006
Numerical optimization of the extraction efficiency of a quantum-dot based single-photon emitter into a single-mode fiber
PI Schneider, N Srocka, S Rodt, L Zschiedrich, S Reitzenstein, S Burger
Optics express 26 (7), 8479-8492, 2018
Domain decomposition method for Maxwell’s equations: scattering off periodic structures
A Schädle, L Zschiedrich, S Burger, R Klose, F Schmidt
Journal of Computational Physics 226 (1), 477-493, 2007
Riesz-projection-based theory of light-matter interaction in dispersive nanoresonators
L Zschiedrich, F Binkowski, N Nikolay, O Benson, G Kewes, S Burger
Physical Review A 98 (4), 043806, 2018
Plug&play fiber‐coupled 73 kHz single‐photon source operating in the telecom o‐band
A Musiał, K Żołnacz, N Srocka, O Kravets, J Große, J Olszewski, K Poturaj, ...
Advanced Quantum Technologies 3 (6), 2000018, 2020
JCMsuite: An adaptive FEM solver for precise simulations in nano-optics
S Burger, L Zschiedrich, J Pomplun, F Schmidt
Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications, ITuE4, 2008
Solving time-harmonic scattering problems based on the pole condition I: Theory
T Hohage, F Schmidt, L Zschiedrich
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 35 (1), 183-210, 2003
Rigorous wave-optical treatment of photon recycling in thermodynamics of photovoltaics: Perovskite thin-film solar cells
MG Abebe, A Abass, G Gomard, L Zschiedrich, U Lemmer, BS Richards, ...
Physical Review B 98 (7), 075141, 2018
Method for direct coupling of a semiconductor quantum dot to an optical fiber for single-photon source applications
K Żołnacz, A Musiał, N Srocka, J Große, MJ Schlösinger, PI Schneider, ...
Optics express 27 (19), 26772-26785, 2019
Heuristic modeling of strong coupling in plasmonic resonators
G Kewes, F Binkowski, S Burger, L Zschiedrich, O Benson
ACS Photonics 5 (10), 4089-4097, 2018
Advanced finite element method for nano-resonators
L Zschiedrich, S Burger, B Kettner, F Schmidt
Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XIV 6115, 164-174, 2006
Quasinormal mode expansion of optical far-field quantities
F Binkowski, F Betz, R Colom, M Hammerschmidt, L Zschiedrich, S Burger
Physical Review B 102 (3), 035432, 2020
Numerical analysis of nanostructures for enhanced light extraction from OLEDs
L Zschiedrich, HJ Greiner, S Burger, F Schmidt
Light-Emitting Diodes: Materials, Devices, and Applications for Solid State …, 2013
Rigorous FEM simulation of EUV masks: influence of shape and material parameters
J Pomplun, S Burger, F Schmidt, L Zschiedrich, F Scholze, C Laubis, ...
Photomask Technology 2006 6349, 1011-1018, 2006
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