Evrim Didem Gunes
Evrim Didem Gunes
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Outpatient appointment scheduling in presence of seasonal walk-ins
T Cayirli, ED Gunes
Journal of the Operational Research Society 65 (4), 512-531, 2014
The optimal disposition decision for product returns
VDR Guide, ED Gunes, GC Souza, LN Van Wassenhove
Operations Management Research 1, 6-14, 2008
Location problems in healthcare
ED Güneş, T Melo, S Nickel
Location science, 657-686, 2019
Scheduling with tool changes to minimize total completion time: a study of heuristics and their performance
MS Akturk, JB Ghosh, ED Gunes
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 50 (1), 15-30, 2003
Scheduling with tool changes to minimize total completion time: basic results and SPT performance
MS Akturk, JB Ghosh, ED Gunes
European Journal of Operational Research 157 (3), 784-790, 2004
Modeling customer reactions to sales attempts: If cross-selling backfires
ED Güneş, OZ Akşin, EL Örmeci, SH Özden
Journal of Service Research 13 (2), 168-183, 2010
Matching patient and physician preferences in designing a primary care facility network
ED Güneş, H Yaman, B Çekyay, V Verter
Journal of the Operational Research Society 65 (4), 483-496, 2014
Health network mergers and hospital re-planning
ED Güneş, H Yaman
Journal of the Operational Research Society 61 (2), 275-283, 2010
Value creation in service delivery: Relating market segmentation, incentives, and operational performance
ED Güneş, OZ Akşin
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 6 (4), 338-357, 2004
Preventing and diagnosing colorectal cancer with a limited colonoscopy resource
ED Güneş, EL Örmeci, D Kunduzcu
Production and Operations Management 24 (1), 1-20, 2015
Breast cancer screening services: trade-offs in quality, capacity, outreach, and centralization
ED Güneş, SE Chick, OZ Akşin
Health Care Management Science 7, 291-303, 2004
Transition to family practice in Turkey
ED Günes, H Yaman
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 28 (2), 106-112, 2008
A modeling framework for control of preventive services
EL Örmeci, ED Güneş, D Kunduzcu
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 18 (2), 227-244, 2016
EXPRESS: How Observed Queue Length and Service Times Drive Reneging Behavior in Queues
Z Aksin, B Gencer, E Gunes
Production and Operations Management, 10591478241286504, 2024
An integrated analysis of capacity allocation and patient scheduling in presence of seasonal walk-ins
T Cayirli, P Dursun, ED Gunes
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 31, 524-561, 2019
Workforce scheduling
ED Gunes
Available at SSRN 4256517, 1999
Modeling time allocation for prevention in primary care
ED Güneş
Central European Journal of Operations Research 17 (3), 359-380, 2009
OR applications in disease screening
ED Güneş, EL Örmeci
Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management, 297-325, 2018
Family practice in Turkey: Observations from a pilot implementation
H Yaman, ED Güneş
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 34 (1), 81-82, 2016
Modeling strategic walk-in patients in appointment systems: Equilibrium behavior and capacity allocation
F Tunçalp, ED Güneş, EL Örmeci
European Journal of Operational Research 313 (2), 587-601, 2024
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