Chris North
Chris North
Computer Science, Virginia Tech
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Toward measuring visualization insight
C North
IEEE computer graphics and applications 26 (3), 6-9, 2006
An insight-based methodology for evaluating bioinformatics visualizations
P Saraiya, C North, K Duca
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 11 (4), 443-456, 2005
Space to think: large high-resolution displays for sensemaking
C Andrews, A Endert, C North
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2010
The value of information visualization
JD Fekete
Information Visualization/Springer, 2008
Snap-together visualization: a user interface for coordinating visualizations via relational schemata
C North, B Shneiderman
Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, 128-135, 2000
Move to improve: promoting physical navigation to increase user performance with large displays
R Ball, C North, DA Bowman
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2007
Semantic interaction for visual text analytics
A Endert, P Fiaux, C North
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2012
Snap-together visualization: can users construct and operate coordinated visualizations?
C North, B Shneiderman
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 53 (5), 715-739, 2000
Home-centric visualization of network traffic for security administration
R Ball, GA Fink, C North
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM workshop on Visualization and data mining for …, 2004
Information visualization on large, high-resolution displays: Issues, challenges, and opportunities
C Andrews, A Endert, B Yost, C North
Information Visualization 10 (4), 341-355, 2011
The human is the loop: new directions for visual analytics
A Endert, MS Hossain, N Ramakrishnan, C North, P Fiaux, C Andrews
Journal of intelligent information systems 43, 411-435, 2014
Information-rich virtual environments: theory, tools, and research agenda
DA Bowman, C North, J Chen, NF Polys, PS Pyla, U Yilmaz
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology …, 2003
Effects of tiled high-resolution display on basic visualization and navigation tasks
R Ball, C North
CHI'05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1196-1199, 2005
An insight-based longitudinal study of visual analytics
P Saraiya, C North, V Lam, KA Duca
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 12 (6), 1511-1522, 2006
Visualizing biological data—now and in the future
SI O'Donoghue, AC Gavin, N Gehlenborg, DS Goodsell, JK Hériché, ...
Nature methods 7 (3), S2-S4, 2010
Semantic interaction for sensemaking: inferring analytical reasoning for model steering
A Endert, P Fiaux, C North
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (12), 2879-2888, 2012
Observation-level Interaction with Statistical Models for Visual Analytics
A Endert, C Han, D Maiti, L House, S Leman, C North
Proceedings of the VAST, 2011
A taxonomy of multiple window coordination
C North, B Shneiderman
ISR; TR 1997-90, 1997
An evaluation of microarray visualization tools for biological insight
P Saraiya, C North, K Duca
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, 1-8, 2004
Beyond visual acuity: the perceptual scalability of information visualizations for large displays
B Yost, Y Haciahmetoglu, C North
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2007
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