Patterns and dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in boreal streams: The role of processes, connectivity, and scaling H Laudon, M Berggren, A Ågren, I Buffam, K Bishop, T Grabs, M Jansson, ... Ecosystems 14, 880-893, 2011 | 500 | 2011 |
Resolving the double paradox of rapidly mobilized old water with highly variable responses in runoff chemistry. K Bishop, J Seibert, S Köhler, H Laudon | 403 | 2004 |
Controls of dissolved organic matter quality: Evidence from a large‐scale boreal lake survey DN Kothawala, CA Stedmon, RA Müller, GA Weyhenmeyer, SJ Köhler, ... Global change biology 20 (4), 1101-1114, 2014 | 401 | 2014 |
Seasonal TOC export from seven boreal catchments in northern Sweden H Laudon, S Köhler, I Buffam Aquatic Sciences 66, 223-230, 2004 | 348 | 2004 |
An experimental study of illite dissolution kinetics as a function of pH from 1.4 to 12.4 and temperature from 5 to 50 C SJ Köhler, F Dufaud, EH Oelkers Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (19), 3583-3594, 2003 | 317 | 2003 |
Sr2+/Ca2+ and 44Ca/40Ca fractionation during inorganic calcite formation: II. Ca isotopes J Tang, M Dietzel, F Böhm, SJ Köhler, A Eisenhauer Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (15), 3733-3745, 2008 | 297 | 2008 |
Tracking changes in the optical properties and molecular composition of dissolved organic matter during drinking water production EE Lavonen, DN Kothawala, LJ Tranvik, M Gonsior, P Schmitt-Kopplin, ... Water Research 85, 286-294, 2015 | 281 | 2015 |
Selective chlorination of natural organic matter: identification of previously unknown disinfection byproducts EE Lavonen, M Gonsior, LJ Tranvik, P Schmitt-Kopplin, SJ Köhler Environmental science & technology 47 (5), 2264-2271, 2013 | 271 | 2013 |
Linking soil-and stream-water chemistry based on a Riparian Flow-Concentration Integration Model J Seibert, T Grabs, S Köhler, H Laudon, M Winterdahl, K Bishop Hydrology and earth system sciences 13 (12), 2287-2297, 2009 | 257 | 2009 |
Oxygen isotopic fractionation during inorganic calcite precipitation―Effects of temperature, precipitation rate and pH M Dietzel, J Tang, A Leis, SJ Köhler Chemical Geology 268 (1-2), 107-115, 2009 | 243 | 2009 |
Sr2+/Ca2+ and 44Ca/40Ca fractionation during inorganic calcite formation: I. Sr incorporation J Tang, SJ Köhler, M Dietzel Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (15), 3718-3732, 2008 | 228 | 2008 |
Experimental determination of the dissolution rates of calcite, aragonite, and bivalves P Cubillas, S Köhler, M Prieto, C Chaïrat, EH Oelkers Chemical Geology 216 (1-2), 59-77, 2005 | 225 | 2005 |
Hydrological flow paths during snowmelt: Congruence between hydrometric measurements and oxygen 18 in meltwater, soil water, and runoff H Laudon, J Seibert, S Köhler, K Bishop Water resources research 40 (3), 2004 | 225 | 2004 |
Influence of dissolved organic matter concentration and composition on the removal efficiency of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) during drinking water treatment DN Kothawala, SJ Köhler, A Östlund, K Wiberg, L Ahrens Water research 121, 320-328, 2017 | 198 | 2017 |
Removal of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant: Long-term performance of granular activated carbon (GAC) and influence of … N Belkouteb, V Franke, P McCleaf, S Köhler, L Ahrens Water Research 182, 115913, 2020 | 182 | 2020 |
Is a universal model of organic acidity possible: Comparison of the acid/base properties of dissolved organic carbon in the boreal and temperate zones J Hruška, S Köhler, H Laudon, K Bishop Environmental science & technology 37 (9), 1726-1730, 2003 | 171 | 2003 |
Removal of cadmium from wastewaters by aragonite shells and the influence of other divalent cations SJ Köhler, P Cubillas, JD Rodríguez-Blanco, C Bauer, M Prieto Environmental science & technology 41 (1), 112-118, 2007 | 169 | 2007 |
In-lake processes offset increased terrestrial inputs of dissolved organic carbon and color to lakes SJ Köhler, D Kothawala, MN Futter, O Liungman, L Tranvik PloS one 8 (8), e70598, 2013 | 165 | 2013 |
Effect of pH and stream order on iron and arsenic speciation in boreal catchments E Neubauer, SJ Köhler, F von der Kammer, H Laudon, T Hofmann Environmental science & technology 47 (13), 7120-7128, 2013 | 160 | 2013 |
Long-term dynamics of dissolved organic carbon: Implications for drinking water supply JLJ Ledesma, SJ Köhler, MN Futter Science of the total Environment 432, 1-11, 2012 | 156 | 2012 |