Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schnettler
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schnettler
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A structured overview of 50 years of small-world research
S Schnettler
Social networks 31 (3), 165-178, 2009
No children in later life, but more and better friends? Substitution mechanisms in the personal and support networks of parents and the childless in Germany
S Schnettler, T Wöhler
Ageing and Society, 1-25, 2015
A small world on feet of clay? A comparison of empirical small-world studies against best-practice criteria
S Schnettler
Social Networks 31 (3), 179-189, 2009
How do biological and social kinship play out within families in the US? An evolutionary perspective on perceived parental care and closeness in adolescents
S Schnettler, A Steinbach
Zeitschrift für Familienforschung 23 (2), 173-195, 2011
Social networks and support for parents and childless adults in the second half of life: Convergence, divergence, or stability?
D Klaus, S Schnettler
Advances in Life Course Research 29, 95-105, 2016
Socioeconomic status and sex ratios at birth in Sweden: no evidence for a Trivers–Willard effect for a wide range of status indicators
M Kolk, S Schnettler
American Journal of Human Biology 28 (1), 67-73, 2016
The process and impacts of educational expansion. Findings from the German Life History Study.
KU Mayer, S Schnettler, S Aisenbrey
Expected and unexpected consequences of the educational expansion in Europe …, 2009
Revisiting a sample of US billionaires: how sample selection and timing of maternal condition influence findings on the Trivers-Willard effect
S Schnettler
PLoS One 8 (2), e57446, 2013
Parental status and gender preferences for children: Is differential fertility stopping consistent with the Trivers-Willard hypothesis?
M Kolk, S Schnettler
Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (5), 683-704, 2013
Economic stress or random variation? Revisiting German reunification as a natural experiment to investigate the effect of economic contraction on sex ratios at birth
S Schnettler, S Klüsener
Environmental Health 13, 1-13, 2014
Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 6: results from methodological experiments
N Allum, K Auspurg, M Blake, CL Booker, TF Crossley, J d'Ardenne, ...
ISER/University of Essex: Understanding Society Working Paper Series, 2014
Nature plus nurture equals love? A test of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis of differential parental investment on the basis of sociological and biological explanations
S Schnettler
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 2010
Evolutionäre Soziologie
S Schnettler
Soziologische Revue 39 (4), 507-536, 2016
Are skewed sex ratios associated with violent crime? A longitudinal analysis using Swedish register data
A Filser, K Barclay, A Beckley, C Uggla, S Schnettler
Evolution and human behavior 42 (3), 212-222, 2021
On the supporting role of friendship for parents and non-parents in later life. A comparative analysis using data from three waves of the German Aging Survey.
S Schnettler, T Wöhler
Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt. Verhandlungen des 36. Kongresses der Deutschen …, 2014
Small world research (4 volumes)
S Schnettler
SAGE, 2013
Demographische Maskulinisierung und Gewalt: ein Forschungsbericht aus evolutionstheoretischer und sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
S Schnettler, A Filser
Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie. Jahrbuch 2/2014: Gewalt und Aggression …, 2015
Arbeitsmarkt und Demografie
C Stecker, S Schnettler
Arbeitsmarktsoziologie: Probleme, Theorien, empirische Befunde, 437-478, 2018
Is adolescent risk behavior associated with cross-household family complexity? An analysis of post-separation families in 42 countries
S Schnettler, A Steinbach
Frontiers in Sociology 7, 802590, 2022
Mythos» Kleine Welt «? Eine konstruktive Kritik an der Konzeption und Methodologie der Small World-Forschung
S Schnettler
Die Natur der Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen des 33. Kongresses der Deutschen …, 2008
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