Dr. Anupam Karmakar
Dr. Anupam Karmakar
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Observation of gigawatt-class THz pulses from a compact laser-driven particle accelerator
A Gopal, S Herzer, A Schmidt, P Singh, A Reinhard, W Ziegler, ...
Physical review letters 111 (7), 074802, 2013
Radiation-Pressure Acceleration of Ion Beams from Nanofoil Targets:<? format?> The Leaky Light-Sail Regime
B Qiao, M Zepf, M Borghesi, B Dromey, M Geissler, A Karmakar, P Gibbon
Physical review letters 105 (15), 155002, 2010
Collimated attosecond GeV electron bunches from ionization of high-Z material by radially polarized ultra-relativistic laser pulses
A Karmakar, A Pukhov
Laser and Particle Beams 25 (3), 371-377, 2007
The role of hot electron refluxing in laser-generated K-alpha sources
P Neumayer, B Aurand, M Basko, B Ecker, P Gibbon, DC Hochhaus, ...
Physics of plasmas 17 (10), 2010
Laser-plasma-based space radiation reproduction in the laboratory
B Hidding, O Karger, T Königstein, G Pretzler, GG Manahan, P McKenna, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 42354, 2017
Radiation pressure-assisted acceleration of ions using multi-component foils in high-intensity laser–matter interactions
B Aurand, S Kuschel, O Jäckel, C Rödel, HY Zhao, S Herzer, AE Paz, ...
New journal of physics 15 (3), 033031, 2013
Laser-Plasma Interaction, Collisional and Complex Plasmas Progress in Mesh-Free Plasma Simulation With Parallel Tree Codes
P Gibbon, R Speck, A Karmakar, L Arnold, W Frings, B Berberich, D Reiter
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 38 (9), 2010
Hot electron and x-ray production from intense laser irradiation of wavelength-scale polystyrene spheres
HA Sumeruk, S Kneip, DR Symes, IV Churina, AV Belolipetski, G Dyer, ...
Physics of plasmas 14 (6), 2007
Collision-Driven Negative-Energy Waves and the Weibel Instability of a Relativistic Electron Beam in a Quasineutral Plasma
AP Anupam Karmakar, N. Kumar, G. Shvets, O. Polomarov
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (25), 255001, 2008
Optimising piccante-an open source particle-in-cell code for advanced simulations on tier-0 systems
A Sgattoni, L Fedeli, S Sinigardi, A Marocchino, A Macchi, V Weinberg, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.02464, 2015
Detailed particle-in-cell simulations on the transport of a relativistic electron beam in plasmas
A Karmakar, N Kumar, A Pukhov, O Polomarov, G Shvets
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (1 …, 2009
Directed acceleration of electrons from a solid surface by sub-10-fs laser pulses
F Brandl, B Hidding, J Osterholz, D Hemmers, A Karmakar, A Pukhov, ...
Physical review letters 102 (19), 195001, 2009
MegaGauss magnetic field generation by ultra-short pulses at relativistic intensities
A Gopal, S Minardi, M Burza, G Genoud, I Tzianaki, A Karmakar, P Gibbon, ...
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 55 (3), 035002, 2013
Characterization of two distinct, simultaneous hot electron beams in intense laser-solid interactions
BI Cho, J Osterholz, AC Bernstein, GM Dyer, A Karmakar, A Pukhov, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (5 …, 2009
Polarization measurement of laser-accelerated protons
N Raab, M Büscher, M Cerchez, R Engels, P Gibbon, P Greven, A Holler, ...
Physics of plasmas 21 (2), 2014
Effect of secondary electron emission on the propagation of dust acoustic waves in a dusty plasma
MR Gupta, S Sarkar, B Roy, A Karmakar, M Khan
Physics of Plasmas 11 (5), 1850-1859, 2004
One-dimensional electromagnetic relativistic PIC-hydrodynamic hybrid simulation code H-VLPL (hybrid virtual laser plasma lab)
J Liljo, A Karmakar, A Pukhov, M Hochbruck
Computer Physics Communications 179 (6), 371-379, 2008
Extreme scale-out SuperMUC phase 2–lessons learned
N Hammer, F Jamitzky, H Satzger, M Allalen, A Block, A Karmakar, ...
Parallel Computing: On the Road to Exascale, 827-836, 2016
Three-dimensional filamentary structures of a relativistic electron beam in fast ignition plasmas
A Karmakar, N Kumar, A Pukhov, O Polomarov, G Shvets
Physics of Plasmas 15 (12), 2008
Combined effect of secondary electron emission, plasma ion and electron number density variation due to dust charging and ionization-recombination processes on dust ion …
MR Gupta, S Sarkar, B Roy, A Karmakar, M Khan
Physica Scripta 71 (3), 298, 2005
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Articles 1–20