Christoph Reuter
Christoph Reuter
Professor für Systematische Musikwissenschaft, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut, Universität Wien
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Is there an effect of subliminal messages in music on choice behavior
H Egermann, R Kopiez, C Reuter
Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis 4 (2), 29-45, 2006
Der Einschwingvorgang nichtperkussiver Musikinstrumente: Auswertung physikalischer und psychoakustischer Messungen
C Reuter
(No Title), 1995
Psychoacoustics of chalkboard squeaking
C Reuter, M Oehler
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130 (4_Supplement), 2545-2545, 2011
Klangfarbe und instrumentation
C Reuter
Geschichte–Ursache–Wirkung.(Systemische Musikwissenschaft, 2002
Usability of individualized head-related transfer functions in virtual reality: Empirical study with perceptual attributes in sagittal plane sound localization
C Jenny, C Reuter
JMIR serious games 8 (3), e17576, 2020
Die auditive Diskrimination von Orchesterinstrumenten: Verschmelzung und Heraushörbarkeit von Instrumentalklangfarben im Ensemblespiel
C Reuter
(No Title), 1996
The “sound of silence” in a neonatal intensive care unit—listening to speech and music inside an incubator
M Bertsch, C Reuter, I Czedik-Eysenberg, A Berger, M Olischar, ...
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1055, 2020
Die auditive diskrimination von orchesterinstrumenten
C Reuter
Peter Lang, 1996
Klangfarbe und Instrumentation: Geschichte, Ursachen, Wirkung
C Reuter
(No Title), 2002
Spectral envelope position and shape in sustained musical instrument sounds
K Siedenburg, S Jacobsen, C Reuter
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149 (6), 3715-3726, 2021
Don't drink and chill: Effects of alcohol on subjective and physiological reactions during music listening and their relationships with personality and listening habits
K Starcke, R von Georgi, TM Tiihonen, KF Laczika, C Reuter
International Journal of Psychophysiology 142, 25-32, 2019
Guitar profiling technology in metal music production: public reception, capability, consequences and perspectives
JP Herbst, C Reuter, I Czedik-Eysenberg
Metal Music Studies 4 (3), 481-506, 2018
Intonation und Musikalische Hören
J Fricke, C Reuter
epOs, 2012
Wie und warum in der Geschichte der Klangfarbenforschung meistenteils am Klang vorbeigeforscht wurde
C Reuter
Niemöller, Klaus Wolfgang/Gätjen, Bram (Hg.): Perspektiven und Methoden …, 1998
Karl Erich Schumann's principles of timbre as a helpful tool in stream segregation research
C Reuter
Joint International Conference on Cognitive and Systematic Musicology, 362-374, 1996
The colourful life of timbre spaces: Timbre concepts from early ideas to meta-timbre space and beyond
C Reuter, S Siddiq
Body, Sound and space in music and beyond: multimodal explorations, 150-167, 2017
SOFA Native Spatializer Plugin for Unity—Exchangeable HRTFs in Virtual Reality
C Jenny, P Majdak, C Reuter
Audio Engineering Society Convention 144, 2018
Physiological and acoustical correlates of unpleasant sounds
C Reuter, M Oehler, J Mühlhans
Joint Conference ICMPC13-APSCOM5, 97, 2014
Register classification by timbre
C Weihs, C Reuter, U Ligges
Classification—the Ubiquitous Challenge: Proceedings of the 28th Annual …, 2005
Stream segregation and formant areas
C Reuter
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Society for …, 2003
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Articles 1–20