Markus Möller
Markus Möller
The Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants
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Soil erosion modelling: A global review and statistical analysis
P Borrelli, C Alewell, P Alvarez, JAA Anache, J Baartman, C Ballabio, ...
Science of the total environment 780, 146494, 2021
The comparison index: A tool for assessing the accuracy of image segmentation
M Möller, L Lymburner, M Volk
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 9 (3 …, 2007
Soil erosion modelling: A bibliometric analysis
N Bezak, M Mikoš, P Borrelli, C Alewell, P Alvarez, JAA Anache, ...
Environmental research 197, 111087, 2021
Placing soil‐genesis and transport processes into a landscape context: a multiscale terrain‐analysis approach
M Möller, M Volk, K Friedrich, L Lymburner
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171 (3), 419-430, 2008
A pragmatic approach for soil erosion risk assessment within policy hierarchies
M Volk, M Möller, D Wurbs
Land Use Policy 27 (4), 997-1009, 2010
Linking remote sensing and geodiversity and their traits relevant to biodiversity—Part I: soil characteristics
A Lausch, J Baade, L Bannehr, E Borg, J Bumberger, S Chabrilliat, ...
Remote sensing 11 (20), 2356, 2019
Coupling of phenological information and simulated vegetation index time series: Limitations and potentials for the assessment and monitoring of soil erosion risk
M Möller, H Gerstmann, F Gao, TC Dahms, M Förster
Catena 150, 192-205, 2017
Optimization of spectral indices and long-term separability analysis for classification of cereal crops using multi-spectral RapidEye imagery
H Gerstmann, M Möller, C Gläßer
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 52 …, 2016
PHASE: A geostatistical model for the Kriging-based spatial prediction of crop phenology using public phenological and climatological observations
H Gerstmann, D Doktor, C Gläßer, M Möller
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 127, 726-738, 2016
Plausibility test of conceptual soil maps using relief parameters
M Möller, T Koschitzki, KJ Hartmann, R Jahn
Catena 88 (1), 57-67, 2012
A framework for the geometric accuracy assessment of classified objects
M Möller, J Birger, A Gidudu, C Gläßer
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (24), 8685-8698, 2013
Linking the remote sensing of geodiversity and traits relevant to biodiversity—part II: geomorphology, terrain and surfaces
A Lausch, ME Schaepman, AK Skidmore, SC Truckenbrodt, JM Hacker, ...
Remote sensing 12 (22), 3690, 2020
Effective map scales for soil transport processes and related process domains—Statistical and spatial characterization of their scale-specific inaccuracies
M Möller, M Volk
Geoderma 247, 151-160, 2015
Remote sensing of geomorphodiversity linked to biodiversity—part III: traits, processes and remote sensing characteristics
A Lausch, ME Schaepman, AK Skidmore, E Catana, L Bannehr, O Bastian, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (9), 2279, 2022
PhenoWin–An R Shiny application for visualization and extraction of phenological windows in Germany
M Möller, L Boutarfa, J Strassemeyer
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175, 105534, 2020
A framework for standardized calculation of weather indices in Germany
M Möller, J Doms, H Gerstmann, T Feike
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 136, 377-390, 2019
Timing and intensity of heat and drought stress determine wheat yield losses in Germany
L Riedesel, M Möller, P Horney, B Golla, HP Piepho, T Kautz, T Feike
PLoS One 18 (7), e0288202, 2023
Scale-specific prediction of topsoil organic carbon contents using terrain attributes and SCMaP soil reflectance composites
M Möller, S Zepp, M Wiesmeier, H Gerighausen, U Heiden
Remote Sensing 14 (10), 2295, 2022
Optimized bare soil compositing for soil organic carbon prediction of topsoil croplands in Bavaria using Landsat
S Zepp, U Heiden, M Bachmann, M Möller, M Wiesmeier, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 202, 287-302, 2023
Parallelization strategies to deal with non-localities in the calculation of regional land-surface parameters
S Schiele, M Möller, H Blaar, D Thürkow, M Müller-Hannemann
Computers & Geosciences 44, 1-9, 2012
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