Fernando Wario Vázquez
Fernando Wario Vázquez
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies - CNR Italy
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Cited by
Automatic methods for long-term tracking and the detection and decoding of communication dances in honeybees
F Wario, B Wild, MJ Couvillon, R Rojas, T Landgraf
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3, 103, 2015
Tracking all members of a honey bee colony over their lifetime using learned models of correspondence
F Boenisch, B Rosemann, B Wild, D Dormagen, F Wario, T Landgraf
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5, 35, 2018
Fast algorithm for multiple-circle detection on images using learning automata
E Cuevas, F Wario, V Osuna-Enciso, D Zaldivar, M Pérez-Cisneros
IET Image Processing 6 (8), 1124-1135, 2012
Automatic detection and decoding of honey bee waggle dances
F Wario, B Wild, R Rojas, T Landgraf
PloS one 12 (12), e0188626, 2017
Automatic multiple circle detection based on artificial immune systems
E Cuevas, V Osuna-Enciso, F Wario, D Zaldívar, M Pérez-Cisneros
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (1), 713-722, 2012
Circle detection on images using learning automata
E Cuevas, F Wario, D Zaldivar, M Pérez-Cisneros
Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Computing and Metaheuristics: In the …, 2013
Soundscape indices: new features for classifying beehive audio samples
MZ Sharif, F Wario, N Di, R Xue, F Liu
Sociobiology 67 (4), 566-571, 2020
An accurate Cluster chaotic optimization approach for digital medical image segmentation
O Avalos, E Ayala, F Wario, M Pérez-Cisneros
Neural Computing and Applications 33, 10057-10091, 2021
Machine learning reveals the waggle drift’s role in the honey bee dance communication system
DM Dormagen, B Wild, F Wario, T Landgraf
PNAS nexus 2 (9), pgad275, 2023
Visual registration and tracking for traffic monitoring
S Vega-Maldonado, F Wario, J Arámburo-Lizárraga, M Perez-Cisneros, ...
Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 2015 IEEE First International, 1-6, 2015
Segmentación y detección de glóbulos blancos en imágenes usando Sistemas Inmunes Artificiales
E Cuevas, V Osuna-Enciso, D Oliva, F Wario, D Zaldivar
Revista mexicana de ingeniería biomédica 31 (2), 119-134, 2010
Bio-inspired Algorithms
F Wario, O Avalos, J Gálvez
Biosignal Processing and Classification Using Computational Learning and …, 2021
A computer vision based system for the automatic analysis of social networks in honey bee colonies
F Wario
Ph. D. dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin, 2017
Motion dynamics of foragers in honey bee colonies
F Wario, B Wild, D Dormagen, T Landgraf, V Trianni
Swarm Intelligence: 12th International Conference, ANTS 2020, Barcelona …, 2020
Detección de primitivas circulares usando un algoritmo inspirado en el electromagnetismo
E Cuevas, D Oliva, V Osuna-Enciso, F Wario
Ingeniería, investigación y tecnología 12 (4), 469-485, 2011
Metaheuristic Techniques for Fine‐Tuning Parameter of Complex Systems
E Cuevas, J Galvez, O Avalos, F Wario
Wiley-IEEE Press, 2025
Techniques of Machine Learning for Modifying the Search Strategy
E Cuevas, J Galvez, O Avalos, F Wario
Wiley-IEEE Press, 2025
Metaheuristic Methods for Dimensional Reduction
E Cuevas, J Galvez, O Avalos, F Wario
Wiley-IEEE Press, 2025
Techniques of Machine Learning Mixed with Metaheuristic Methods
E Cuevas, J Galvez, O Avalos, F Wario
Wiley-IEEE Press, 2025
Metaheuristic Methods for Clustering
E Cuevas, J Galvez, O Avalos, F Wario
Wiley-IEEE Press, 2025
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Articles 1–20