Udo Schühle
Udo Schühle
MPI for Solar System Research
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SUMER-solar ultraviolet measurements of emitted radiation
K Wilhelm, W Curdt, E Marsch, U Schühle, P Lemaire, A Gabriel, JC Vial, ...
Solar Physics 162, 189-231, 1995
The solar orbiter mission-science overview
D Müller, OCS Cyr, I Zouganelis, HR Gilbert, R Marsden, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A1, 2020
First results of tide sumer telescope and spectrometer on soho: I. spectra and spectroradiometry
K Wilhelm, P Lemaire, W Curdt, U Schühle, E Marsch, AI Poland, ...
The First Results from SOHO, 75-104, 1997
The SUMER spectral atlas of solar-disk features
W Curdt, P Brekke, U Feldman, K Wilhelm, BN Dwivedi, U Schühle, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 375 (2), 591-613, 2001
First Results of the SUMER Telescope and Spectrometer on SOHO, II. Imagery and Data Management
P. Lemaire, K. Wilhelm, W. Curdt, U. Schühle, E. Marsch, A.I. Poland, S.D ...
Solar Physics 170, 105-122, 1997
The solar orbiter EUI instrument: the extreme ultraviolet imager
P Rochus, F Auchere, D Berghmans, L Harra, W Schmutz, U Schühle, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A8, 2020
SUMER measurements of nonthermal motions: constraints on coronal heating mechanisms
J Chae, U Schühle, P Lemaire
The Astrophysical Journal 505 (2), 957, 1998
Metis: the Solar Orbiter visible light and ultraviolet coronal imager
E Antonucci, M Romoli, V Andretta, S Fineschi, P Heinzel, JD Moses, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A10, 2020
A Coronal Spectrum in the 500-1610 Å Wavelength Range Recorded at a Height of 21,000 Kilometers above the West Solar Limb by the SUMER Instrument on Solar and Heliospheric …
U Feldman, WE Behring, W Curdt, U Schühle, K Wilhelm, P Lemaire, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 113 (1), 195, 1997
The polarimetric and helioseismic imager on solar orbiter
SK Solanki, JC del Toro Iniesta, J Woch, A Gandorfer, J Hirzberger, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A11, 2020
Coronal composition above the solar equator and the north pole as determined from spectra acquired by the SUMER instrument on SOHO
U Feldman, U Schühle, KG Widing, JM Laming
The Astrophysical Journal 505 (2), 999, 1998
The solar disk spectrum between 660 and 1175 Å (first order) obtained by SUMER on SOHO
W Curdt, U Feldman, JM Laming, K Wilhelm, U Schühle, P Lemaire
A&A Suppl. Ser 126 (2), 281-296, 1997
The SWAP EUV imaging telescope part I: instrument overview and pre-flight testing
DB Seaton, D Berghmans, B Nicula, JP Halain, A De Groof, T Thibert, ...
Solar Physics 286, 43-65, 2013
Photospheric magnetic field changes associated with transition region explosive events
J Chae, H Wang, CY Lee, PR Goode, U Schühle
The Astrophysical Journal 497 (2), L109, 1998
Advantages of single-photon ionization over multiphoton ionization for mass spectrometric surface analysis of bulk organic polymers
JB Pallix, U Schühle, CH Becker, DL Huestis
Analytical Chemistry 61, 805, 1989
Properties of Quiet-Sun Coronal Plasmas at Distances of 1.03⩽ R☉⩽ 1.50 along the Solar Equatorial Plane
U Feldman, GA Doschek, U Schühle, K Wilhelm
The Astrophysical Journal 518 (1), 500, 1999
Solar irradiances and radiances of UV and EUV lines during the minimum of sunspot activity in 1996
K Wilhelm, P Lemaire, IE Dammasch, J Hollandt, U Schühle, W Curdt, ...
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 334, p. 685-702 (1998) 334, 685-702, 1998
The Solar Orbiter SPICE instrument-An extreme UV imaging spectrometer
M Anderson, T Appourchaux, F Auchère, RA Cuadrado, J Barbay, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A14, 2020
Electron densities in the solar polar coronal holes from density-sensitive line ratios of Si VIII and Sx
GA Doschek, HP Warren, JM Laming, JT Mariska, K Wilhelm, P Lemaire, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 482 (1), L109, 1997
Recent developments of wide-bandgap semiconductor based UV sensors
A Benmoussa, A Soltani, U Schühle, K Haenen, YM Chong, WJ Zhang, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 18 (5-8), 860-864, 2009
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