Stefan Helber
Stefan Helber
Professor für Betriebswirtschaft, Leibniz Universität Hannover
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Dynamic capacitated lot-sizing problems: a classification and review of solution approaches
L Buschkühl, F Sahling, S Helber, H Tempelmeier
Or Spectrum 32, 231-261, 2010
A fix-and-optimize approach for the multi-level capacitated lot sizing problem
S Helber, F Sahling
International Journal of Production Economics 123 (2), 247-256, 2010
Solving a multi-level capacitated lot sizing problem with multi-period setup carry-over via a fix-and-optimize heuristic
F Sahling, L Buschkühl, H Tempelmeier, S Helber
Computers & Operations Research 36 (9), 2546-2553, 2009
A heuristic for dynamic multi-item multi-level capacitated lotsizing for general product structures
H Tempelmeier, S Helber
European Journal of Operational Research 75 (2), 296-311, 1994
Application of a real-world university-course timetabling model solved by integer programming
K Schimmelpfeng, S Helber
Or Spectrum 29, 783-803, 2007
Ablauforganisation in Produktion und Logistik
HU Küpper, S Helber
(No Title), 2004
Dynamic capacitated lot sizing with random demand and dynamic safety stocks
S Helber, F Sahling, K Schimmelpfeng
OR spectrum 35, 75-105, 2013
Performance analysis of flow lines with non-linear flow of material
S Helber
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Scheduling resource-constrained projects with a flexible project structure
C Kellenbrink, S Helber
European Journal of Operational Research 246 (2), 379-391, 2015
A hierarchical facility layout planning approach for large and complex hospitals
S Helber, D Böhme, F Oucherif, S Lagershausen, S Kasper
Flexible services and manufacturing journal 28, 5-29, 2016
Performance analysis of an inbound call center with skills-based routing: A priority queueing system with two classes of impatient customers and heterogeneous agents
R Stolletz, S Helber
OR Spectrum 26, 331-352, 2004
Kapazitätsorientierte Losgrößenplanung in PPS-Systemen
S Helber
M&P, Verlag für Wiss. u. Forschung, 1994
Decision support for rehabilitation hospital scheduling
K Schimmelpfeng, S Helber, S Kasper
OR spectrum 34, 461-489, 2012
Profit-oriented shift scheduling of inbound contact centers with skills-based routing, impatient customers, and retrials
S Helber, K Henken
Or Spectrum 32 (1), 109-134, 2010
Lot sizing in capacitated production planning and control systems
S Helber
Operations-Research-Spektrum 17, 5-18, 1995
Decomposition of unreliable assembly/disassembly networks with limited buffer capacity and random processing times
S Helber
European Journal of Operational Research 109 (1), 24-42, 1998
Using linear programming to analyze and optimize stochastic flow lines
S Helber, K Schimmelpfeng, R Stolletz, S Lagershausen
Annals of Operations Research 182, 193-211, 2011
Call Center Management in der Praxis: Strukturen und Prozesse betriebswirtschaftlich optimieren
S Helber, R Stolletz
Springer-Verlag, 2011
Location planning for dynamic wireless charging systems for electric airport passenger buses
S Helber, J Broihan, YJ Jang, P Hecker, T Feuerle
Energies 11 (2), 258, 2018
Cash-flow-oriented buffer allocation in stochastic flow lines
S Helber
International Journal of Production Research 39 (14), 3061-3083, 2001
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