Jacob Estevam Schmiedt
Jacob Estevam Schmiedt
Institute for the Protection of Terrestrial Infrastructures, German Aerospace Center
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Microscopically derived Ginzburg-Landau theory for magnetic order in the iron pnictides
PMR Brydon, J Schmiedt, C Timm
Physical Review B 84 (21), 214510, 2011
Calculating urban heat demands: An analysis of two modelling approaches and remote sensing for input data and validation
I Dochev, P Gorzalka, V Weiler, JE Schmiedt, M Linkiewicz, U Eicker, ...
Energy and Buildings 226, 110378, 2020
Spatial factors influencing building age prediction and implications for urban residential energy modelling
OM Garbasevschi, JE Schmiedt, T Verma, I Lefter, WKK Altes, A Droin, ...
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 88, 101637, 2021
Superconducting pairing in the spin-density-wave phase of iron pnictides
J Schmiedt, PMR Brydon, C Timm
Physical Review B 89 (5), 054515, 2014
Approach for external measurements of the heat transfer coefficient (U-value) of building envelope components using UAV based infrared thermography
D Patel, J Estevam Schmiedt, M Röger, B Hoffschmidt
Doping dependence of antiferromagnetism in models of the pnictides
J Schmiedt, PMR Brydon, C Timm
Physical Review B 85 (21), 214425, 2012
Automated Generation of an Energy Simulation Model for an Existing Building from UAV Imagery
P Gorzalka, J Estevam Schmiedt, C Schorn, B Hoffschmidt
Buildings 11 (9), 380, 2021
Remote Sensing For Building Energy Simulation Input–A Field Trial
P Gorzalka, J Estevam Schmiedt, D Frommholz, MM Linkiewicz, D Patel, ...
Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019, 2020
Remote sensing techniques for building models and energy performance studies of buildings
J Estevam Schmiedt, D Cerra, D Dahlke, S Dill, N Ge, J Göttsche, A Haas, ...
Estimation of Air Leakage Sizes in Building Envelope using High-Frequency Acoustic Impulse Response Technique
B Kölsch, B Schiricke, J Estevam Schmiedt, B Hoffschmidt
AIVC Conference Proceedings 2019, 2019
Detection of Air Leakage in Building Envelopes Using Ultrasound Technology
B Kölsch, A Tiddens, JE Schmiedt, B Schiricke, B Hoffschmidt
Whole Building Air Leakage: Testing and Building Performance Impacts, 2019
A Model Calibration Approach to U-Value Measurements with Thermography
D Patel, J Estevam Schmiedt, M Röger, B Hoffschmidt
Buildings 13 (9), 2253, 2023
Autonomous reading of gauges in unstructured environments
E Milana, OH Ramírez-Agudelo, J Estevam Schmiedt
Sensors 22 (17), 6681, 2022
Material investigations to facilitate the applicability of microwave radar to energy-related wall structure analysis
P Gorzalka, A Haas, G Golubeva, JE Schmiedt, M Peichl, B Hoffschmidt
Materials and Structures 54 (3), 1-12, 2021
Building Tomograph–From Remote Sensing Data of Existing Buildings to Building Energy Simulation Input
P Gorzalka, J Estevam Schmiedt, D Dahlke, D Frommholz, J Göttsche, ...
Drohnenbasierte dynamische quantitative Infrarotthermographie in der energetischen Analyse von Gebäuden
P Groesdonk, B Kölsch, N Patel, J Estevam Schmiedt
DGZfP-Berichtsband BB 180 180, 2023
Application of a combination of innovative non-destructive measurement techniques for structural, energetic and safety analysis of buildings
N Janotte, B Kölsch, E Lüpfert, J Pernpeintner, B Schiricke, JE Schmiedt, ...
Journal of Building Engineering, 109937, 2024
Object detection in dehazed Optical and Infrared Images
OH Ramirez Agudelo, BJ Carrillo Perez, J Estevam Schmiedt, ...
A Projection And Clipping Method To Calculate Direct, Diffuse, And Reflected Irradiation
J Estevam Schmiedt, B Schiricke
Porceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA, 2020
Using UAV-based RGB and thermography Images to generate Simulation Input about envelope geometry and U-values
P Gorzalka, D Patel, J Schmiedt
DYNASTEE Newisletter, 2019
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