Jesco Humpola
Jesco Humpola
Research Assistant, Zuse Institute Berlin
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Validation of nominations in gas network optimization: models, methods, and solutions
ME Pfetsch, A Fügenschuh, B Geißler, N Geißler, R Gollmer, B Hiller, ...
Optimization Methods and Software 30 (1), 15-53, 2015
GasLib—A library of gas network instances
M Schmidt, D Aßmann, R Burlacu, J Humpola, I Joormann, N Kanelakis, ...
Data 2 (4), 40, 2017
Mathematical optimization for challenging network planning problems in unbundled liberalized gas markets
A Fügenschuh, B Geißler, R Gollmer, C Hayn, R Henrion, B Hiller, ...
Energy Systems 5, 449-473, 2014
Gas Network Optimization by MINLP
J Humpola
Institut für Mathematik, TU Berlin, 2014
Chapter 7: The specialized MINLP approach
J Humpola, A Fügenschuh, B Hiller, T Koch, T Lehmann, R Lenz, ...
Evaluating gas network capacities, 123-143, 2015
GasLib-A library of gas network instances
J Humpola, I Joormann, D Oucherif, M Pfetsch, L Schewe, M Schmidt, ...
Optimization Online, 2015
Convex reformulations for solving a nonlinear network design problem
J Humpola, A Fügenschuh
Computational Optimization and Applications, 2015
A unified view on relaxations for a nonlinear network flow problem
A Fügenschuh, J Humpola
Optimierung Technischer Kapazitäten in Gasnetzen
A Martin, B Geißler, C Hayn, B Hiller, J Humpola, T Koch, T Lehmann, ...
A new class of valid inequalities for nonlinear network design problems
J Humpola, A Fügenschuh
Gas network topology optimization for upcoming market requirements
A Fügenschuh, B Hiller, J Humpola, T Koch, T Lehmann, R Schwarz, ...
2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 346-351, 2011
Valid inequalities for the topology optimization problem in gas network design
J Humpola, A Fügenschuh, T Koch
OR spectrum 38, 597-631, 2016
Schneller Algorithmus für kürzeste Wege in irregulären Gittergraphen
J Humpola
Forschungsinstitut für Diskrete Mathematik, 2009
Gaslib—a library of gas network instances. Data 2 (4)(2017)
M Schmidt, D Aßmann, R Burlacu, J Humpola, I Joormann, N Kanelakis, ...
A primal heuristic for optimizing the topology of gas networks based on dual information
J Humpola, A Fügenschuh, T Lehmann
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 3 (1), 53-78, 2015
From simulation to optimization: Evaluating gas network capacities
T Koch, D Bargmann, M Ebbers, A Fügenschuh, B Geißler, N Geißler, ...
Book in preparation, 2012
Validation of nominations in gas network optimization: Models, methods
ME Pfetsch, A Fügenschuh, B Geißler, N Geißler, R Gollmer, B Hiller, ...
and solutions. Technical report, ZIB-Report 12-41, Zuse Institute Berlin …, 2012
Chapter 12: Computational results for validation of nominations
B Hiller, J Humpola, T Lehmann, R Lenz, A Morsi, ME Pfetsch, L Schewe, ...
Evaluating Gas Network Capacities, 233-270, 2015
Sufficient pruning conditions for MINLP in gas network design
J Humpola, F Serrano
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 5, 239-261, 2017
GasLib–a library of gas network instances. Data. 2017; 2 (4): 40
M Schmidt, D Aßmann, R Burlacu, J Humpola, I Joormann, N Kanelakis, ...
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