Philipp Bitzenbauer
Philipp Bitzenbauer
Institut für Didaktik der Physik, Universität Leipzig
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ChatGPT in physics education: A pilot study on easy-to-implement activities
P Bitzenbauer
Contemporary Educational Technology 15 (3), ep430, 2023
A new teaching concept on quantum physics in secondary schools
P Bitzenbauer, JP Meyn
Physics Education 55 (5), 055031, 2020
Quantum physics education research over the last two decades: A bibliometric analysis
P Bitzenbauer
Education Sciences 11 (11), 699, 2021
Future quantum workforce: Competences, requirements, and forecasts
F Greinert, R Müller, P Bitzenbauer, MS Ubben, KA Weber
Physical Review Physics Education Research 19 (1), 010137, 2023
Effect of an introductory quantum physics course using experiments with heralded photons on preuniversity students’ conceptions about quantum physics
P Bitzenbauer
Physical Review Physics Education Research 17 (2), 020103, 2021
Two cognitive dimensions of students’ mental models in science: Fidelity of gestalt and functional fidelity
MS Ubben, P Bitzenbauer
Education Sciences 12 (3), 163, 2022
Practitioners’ views on new teaching material for introducing quantum optics in secondary schools
P Bitzenbauer
Physics Education 56 (5), 055008, 2021
Requirements for future quantum workforce–a Delphi study
F Gerke, R Müller, P Bitzenbauer, M Ubben, KA Weber
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2297 (1), 012017, 2022
Exploring learning difficulties in abstract algebra: The case of group theory
JM Veith, P Bitzenbauer, B Girnat
Education Sciences 12 (8), 516, 2022
Assessing Learners’ Conceptual Understanding of Introductory Group Theory Using the CI2GT: Development and Analysis of a Concept Inventory
JM Veith, P Bitzenbauer, B Girnat
Education Sciences 12 (6), 376, 2022
The world through my eyes: Fostering students’ understanding of basic optics concepts related to vision and image formation
J Sebald, K Fliegauf, JM Veith, H Spiecker, P Bitzenbauer
Physics 4 (4), 1117-1134, 2022
Fostering students’ conceptions about the quantum world–results of an interview study
P Bitzenbauer, JP Meyn
Progress in Science Education (PriSE) 4 (2), 40-51, 2021
Exploring German secondary school students’ conceptual knowledge of density
T Zenger, P Bitzenbauer
Science Education International 33 (1), 86-92, 2022
What group theory can do for you: From magmas to abstract thinking in school mathematics
JM Veith, P Bitzenbauer
Mathematics 10 (5), 703, 2022
Quantum physics≠ quantum physics. A survey of researchers’ associations
B Winkler, P Bitzenbauer, JP Meyn
Physics Education 56 (6), 065031, 2021
Exploring the relationship between students’ conceptual understanding and model thinking in quantum optics
M Ubben, P Bitzenbauer
Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology 2, 1207619, 2023
Improving early Optics instruction using a phenomenological approach: A field study
K Fliegauf, J Sebald, JM Veith, H Spiecker, P Bitzenbauer
Optics 3 (4), 409-429, 2022
Towards describing student learning of abstract algebra: Insights into learners’ cognitive processes from an acceptance survey
JM Veith, P Bitzenbauer, B Girnat
Mathematics 10 (7), 1138, 2022
Fostering experimental competences of prospective physics teachers
P Bitzenbauer, JP Meyn
Physics Education 56 (4), 045020, 2021
Phenomenological optics with self-made liquid lenses in the physics classroom
H Spiecker, P Bitzenbauer
Physics Education 57 (4), 045012, 2022
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