Hans-Peter Piepho
Hans-Peter Piepho
Biostatistics Unit, Institute of Crop Science, University of Hohenheim, Germany
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BLUP for phenotypic selection in plant breeding and variety testing
HP Piepho, J Möhring, AE Melchinger, A Büchse
Euphytica 161 (1-2), 209-228, 2008
Statistical analysis of yield trials by AMMI and GGE: Further considerations
HG Gauch Jr, HP Piepho, P Annicchiarico
Crop science 48 (3), 866-889, 2008
Computing heritability and selection response from unbalanced plant breeding trials
HP Piepho, J Möhring
Genetics 177 (3), 1881-1888, 2007
multcompView: visualizations of paired comparisons
S Graves, HP Piepho, L Selzer, S Dorai-Raj
R package version 0.1-8 2, 2019
The area under the disease progress stairs: calculation, advantage, and application
I Simko, HP Piepho
Phytopathology 102 (4), 381-389, 2012
Genomic selection using regularized linear regression models: ridge regression, lasso, elastic net and their extensions
JO Ogutu, T Schulz-Streeck, HP Piepho
BMC proceedings 6, 1-6, 2012
An algorithm for a letter-based representation of all-pairwise comparisons
HP Piepho
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 13 (2), 456-466, 2004
What's normal anyway? Residual plots are more telling than significance tests when checking ANOVA assumptions
M Kozak, HP Piepho
Journal of agronomy and crop science 204 (1), 86-98, 2018
Extreme wildlife declines and concurrent increase in livestock numbers in Kenya: What are the causes?
JO Ogutu, HP Piepho, MY Said, GO Ojwang, LW Njino, SC Kifugo, ...
PloS one 11 (9), e0163249, 2016
A hitchhiker's guide to mixed models for randomized experiments
HP Piepho, A Büchse, K Emrich
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 189 (5), 310-322, 2003
Methods for comparing the yield stability of cropping systems
HP Piepho
Journal of Agronomy and crop science 180 (4), 193-213, 1998
Continuing wildlife population declines and range contraction in the Mara region of Kenya during 1977–2009
JO Ogutu, N Owen‐Smith, HP Piepho, MY Said
Journal of Zoology 285 (2), 99-109, 2011
A comparison of random forests, boosting and support vector machines for genomic selection
JO Ogutu, HP Piepho, T Schulz-Streeck
BMC proceedings 5, 1-5, 2011
Ridge regression and extensions for genomewide selection in maize
HP Piepho
Crop Science 49 (4), 1165-1176, 2009
Comparison of mixed-model approaches for association mapping
B Stich, J Möhring, HP Piepho, M Heckenberger, ES Buckler, ...
Genetics 178 (3), 1745-1754, 2008
Analyzing genotype-environment data by mixed models with multiplicative terms
HP Piepho
Biometrics, 761-766, 1997
Dynamics of Mara–Serengeti ungulates in relation to land use changes
JO Ogutu, HP Piepho, HT Dublin, N Bhola, RS Reid
Journal of Zoology 278 (1), 1-14, 2009
Rainfall influences on ungulate population abundance in the Mara‐Serengeti ecosystem
JO Ogutu, HP Piepho, HT Dublin, N Bhola, RS Reid
Journal of Animal Ecology 77 (4), 814-829, 2008
Empirical best linear unbiased prediction in cultivar trials using factor-analytic variance-covariance structures
HP Piepho
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 97, 195-201, 1998
A mixed modelling approach for randomized experiments with repeated measures
HP Piepho, A Büchse, C Richter
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 190 (4), 230-247, 2004
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