Victor Charpenay
Cited by
Cited by
Web of things (wot) thing description
S Kaebisch, T Kamiya, M McCool, V Charpenay, M Kovatsch
W3C recommendation 9, 2020
Method And Computer Program Product For Semantically Representing A System Of Devices
D Anicic, V Charpenay, S Kaebisch
US Patent App. 15/170,007, 2016
Introducing Thing Descriptions and Interactions: An Ontology for the Web of Things.
V Charpenay, S Käbisch, H Kosch
SR+ SWIT@ ISWC, 55-66, 2016
An ontology design pattern for iot device tagging systems
V Charpenay, S Käbisch, D Anicic, H Kosch
2015 5th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IOT), 138-145, 2015
On modeling the physical world as a collection of things: The w3c thing description ontology
V Charpenay, S Käbisch
The Semantic Web: 17th International Conference, ESWC 2020, Heraklion, Crete …, 2020
The BIG IoT API-Semantically Enabling IoT Interoperability
A Bröring, A Ziller, V Charpenay, AS Thuluva, D Anicic, S Schmid, ...
IEEE Pervasive Computing 17 (4), 41-51, 2018
The BIG IoTAPI-Semantically Enabling IoT Interoperability
A Bröring, A Ziller, V Charpenay, AS Thuluva, D Anicic, S Schmid, ...
IEEE Pervasive Computing 17 (4), 41-51, 2018
Semantic data integration on the web of things
V Charpenay, S Käbisch, H Kosch
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Internet of Things, 1-8, 2018
Towards a binary object notation for rdf
V Charpenay, S Käbisch, H Kosch
The Semantic Web: 15th International Conference, ESWC 2018, Heraklion, Crete …, 2018
Hypermedea: A Framework for Web (of Things) Agents
V Charpenay, A Zimmermann, M Lefrançois, O Boissier
Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022, 176-179, 2022
MOSAIK: A Formal Model for Self-Organizing Manufacturing Systems
V Charpenay, D Schraudner, T Seidelmann, T Spieldenner, J Weise, ...
IEEE Pervasive Computing 20 (1), 9-18, 2020
Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description, W3C Recommendation
S Kaebisch, T Kamiya, M McCool, V Charpenay, M Kovatsch
Retrieved October 18, 2021, 2020
A Unifying Framework for Agency in Hypermedia Environments
V Charpenay, T Käfer, A Harth
Engineering Multi-Agent Systems: 9th International Workshop, EMAS 2021 …, 2022
Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description, W3C Recommendation 9 April 2020. W3C Recommendation
S Kaebisch, T Kamiya, M McCool, V Charpenay, M Kovatsch
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). https://www. w3. org/TR/2020/REC-wot-thing …, 2020
RDF Store: Towards Extending the Semantic Web to Embedded Devices
V Charpenay, S Käbisch, H Kosch
European Semantic Web Conference, 76-80, 2017
Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description; 2020
S Käbisch, T Kamiya, M McCool, V Charpenay, M Kovatsch
The ACIMOV Methodology: Agile and Continuous Integration for Modular Ontologies and Vocabularies
FZ Hannou, V Charpenay, M Lefrançois, C Roussey, A Zimmermann, ...
Web of Things Thing Description
S Kaebisch, T Kamiya, M McCool, V Charpenay, M Kovatsch
Retrieved April 13, 2021, 2020
Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description. Candidate Recommendation. W3C
S Käbisch, T Kamiya, M McCool, V Charpenay, M Kovatsch
Thing Description (TD) Ontology
V Charpenay, M Lefrancois, M Villalon, S Kabisch
Sep, 2021
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Articles 1–20