Liang Zhang
Liang Zhang
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Stereoscopic image generation based on depth images for 3D TV
L Zhang, WJ Tam
IEEE Transactions on broadcasting 51 (2), 191-199, 2005
Generating a depth map from a two-dimensional source image for stereoscopic and multiview imaging
WJ Tam, L Zhang
US Patent US8384763 B2, 2006
3D-TV content creation: automatic 2D-to-3D video conversion
L Zhang, C Vazquez, S Knorr
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 57 (2), 372-383, 2011
3D-TV content generation: 2D-to-3D conversion
WJ Tam, L Zhang
2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 1869-1872, 2006
Smoothing depth maps for improved steroscopic image quality
WJ Tam, G Alain, L Zhang, T Martin, R Renaud
Three-Dimensional TV, Video, and Display III 5599, 162-172, 2004
Stereoscopic image generation based on depth images
L Zhang, WJ Tam, D Wang
2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04. 5, 2993-2996, 2004
Motion-compensated frame rate up-conversion—Part I: Fast multi-frame motion estimation
D Wang, L Zhang, A Vincent
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 56 (2), 133-141, 2010
Curved wavelet transform for image coding
D Wang, L Zhang, A Vincent, F Speranza
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15 (8), 2413-2421, 2006
Estimation of image relations from point correspondences between images
L Zhang, D Wang, H Rastgar, A Vincent
US Patent 8,411,966, 2013
Estimation of the mouth features using deformable templates
L Zhang
Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing 3, 328-331, 1997
Automatic adaptation of a face model using action units for semantic coding of videophone sequences
L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 8 (6), 781-795, 1998
Estimation of eye and mouth corner point positions in a knowledge-based coding system
L Zhang
Digital Compression Technologies and Systems for Video Communications 2952 …, 1996
Fast stereo matching algorithm for intermediate view reconstruction of stereoscopic television images
L Zhang
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 16 (10), 1259 …, 2006
Curved wavelet transform for image and video compression
D Wang, L Zhang, A Vincent
US Patent 7,418,144, 2008
Adaptive reconstruction of intermediate views from stereoscopic images
L Zhang, D Wang, A Vincent
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 16 (1), 102-113, 2006
Nonuniform smoothing of depth maps before image-based rendering
WJ Tam, L Zhang
Three-Dimensional TV, Video, and Display III 5599, 173-183, 2004
Estimation of eye, eyebrow and nose features in videophone sequences
M Kampmann, L Zhang
International workshop on very low bitrate video coding (VLBV 98), 101-104, 1998
Depth image based rendering for multiview stereoscopic displays: Role of information at object boundaries
WJ Tam, F Speranza, L Zhang, R Renaud, J Chan, C Vazquez
Three-Dimensional TV, Video, and Display IV 6016, 75-85, 2005
Tracking a face for knowledge-based coding of videophone sequences
L Zhang
Signal Processing: Image Communication 10 (1-3), 93-114, 1997
Hierarchical block-based disparity estimation using mean absolute difference and dynamic programming
L Zhang
Proc. International Workshop on Very Low Bitrate Video Coding, 2001
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