Olivier Senn
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Groove in drum patterns as a function of both rhythmic properties and listeners’ attitudes
O Senn, L Kilchenmann, T Bechtold, F Hoesl
PloS one 13 (6), e0199604, 2018
The effect of expert performance microtiming on listeners' experience of groove in swing or funk music
O Senn, L Kilchenmann, R Von Georgi, C Bullerjahn
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1487, 2016
Microtiming in swing and funk affects the body movement behavior of music expert listeners
L Kilchenmann, O Senn
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1232, 2015
Taste and familiarity affect the experience of groove in popular music
O Senn, TA Bechtold, F Hoesl, L Kilchenmann
Musicae Scientiae 25 (1), 45-66, 2021
Preliminaries to a psychological model of musical groove
O Senn, D Rose, T Bechtold, L Kilchenmann, F Hoesl, R Jerjen, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1228, 2019
Experience of groove questionnaire: Instrument development and initial validation
O Senn, T Bechtold, D Rose, GS Câmara, N Düvel, R Jerjen, ...
Music perception: an interdisciplinary journal 38 (1), 46-65, 2020
Expressive timing: Martha Argerich plays Chopins Prelude op. 28/4 in E minor
O Senn, L Kilchenmann, MA Camp
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 110, 2009
Play in time, but don't play time: analyzing timing profiles of drum performances
L Kilchenmann, O Senn
Proceedings of the international symposium on performance science, 593-598, 2011
Rhythmic density affects listeners' emotional response to microtiming
O Senn, C Bullerjahn, L Kilchenmann, R von Georgi
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 1709, 2017
An SEM approach to validating the psychological model of musical groove
O Senn, T Bechtold, F Hoesl, R Jerjen, L Kilchenmann, D Rose, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 49 (3 …, 2023
Articulation and dynamics influence the perceptual attack time of saxophone sounds
TA Bechtold, O Senn
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1692, 2018
Modelling perceived syncopation in popular music drum patterns: A preliminary study
F Hoesl, O Senn
Music & Science 1, 2059204318791464, 2018
Experience of groove questionnaire: German translation and validation
N Düvel, P Labonde, T Bechtold, O Senn, R Kopiez
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 39 (1), 83-99, 2021
A predictive coding approach to modelling the perceived complexity of popular music drum patterns
O Senn
Heliyon 9 (4), 2023
Drum groove corpora
F Hosken, T Bechtold, F Hoesl, L Kilchenmann, O Senn
Empirical Musicology Review 16 (1), 114-123, 2021
Die Analyse von Tonaufnahmen: Konzepte und Methoden zur musikwissenschaftlichen Analyse von Tonaufnahmen: dargestellt an Sarah Vaughans Einspielung des Musicalhits" My Favorite …
O Senn
University of Zurich, 2007
Consumers on critique: a survey of classical music listeners’ engagement with professional music reviews
E Alessandri, D Rose, O Senn, K Szamatulski, A Baldassarre, ...
Music & Science 3, 2059204320931337, 2020
A Turbulent Acceleration into the Stretto.
O Senn, L Kitchenmann, MA Camp
Dissonance/Dissonanz, 2012
Three psychometric scales for groove research: Inner representation of temporal regularity, time-related interest, and energetic arousal
O Senn, TA Bechtold, R Jerjen, L Kilchenmann, F Hoesl
Music & Science 6, 20592043231185663, 2023
A Stimulus Set of 40 Popular Music Drum Patterns with Perceived Complexity Measures
O Senn, F Hoesl, R Jerjen, TA Bechtold, L Kilchenmann, D Rose, ...
Music & Science 6, 20592043231202576, 2023
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