Carol L. Boggs
Carol L. Boggs
Professor, School of Earth, Ocean & Environment and Dept of Biological Sci., Univ. of South Carolina
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Male contribution to egg production in butterflies: evidence for transfer of nutrients at mating
CL Boggs, LE Gilbert
Science 206 (4414), 83-84, 1979
Climate change hastens population extinctions
JF McLaughlin, JJ Hellmann, CL Boggs, PR Ehrlich
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (9), 6070-6074, 2002
Longevity can buffer plant and animal populations against changing climatic variability
WF Morris, CA Pfister, S Tuljapurkar, CV Haridas, CL Boggs, MS Boyce, ...
Ecology 89 (1), 19-25, 2008
More than just indicators: a review of tropical butterfly ecology and conservation
TC Bonebrake, LC Ponisio, CL Boggs, PR Ehrlich
Biological conservation 143 (8), 1831-1841, 2010
Understanding insect life histories and senescence through a resource allocation lens
CL Boggs
Functional Ecology 23 (1), 27-37, 2009
When agendas collide: human welfare and biological conservation
KMA Chan, RM Pringle, JAI Ranganathan, CL Boggs, YL Chan, ...
Conservation biology 21 (1), 59-68, 2007
Assessing the roles of patch quality, area, and isolation in predicting metapopulation dynamics
E Fleishman, C Ray, P Sjögren‐Gulve, CL Boggs, DD Murphy
Conservation Biology 16 (3), 706-716, 2002
Larval food limitation in butterflies: effects on adult resource allocation and fitness
CL Boggs, KD Freeman
Oecologia 144, 353-361, 2005
Renewable and nonrenewable resources: amino acid turnover and allocation to reproduction in Lepidoptera
DM O'Brien, ML Fogel, CL Boggs
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (7), 4413-4418, 2002
The effect of adult food limitation on life history traits in Speyeria mormonia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
CL Boggs, CL Ross
Ecology 74 (2), 433-441, 1993
Ovarian dynamics in heliconiine butterflies: programmed senescence versus eternal youth
H Dunlap-Pianka, CL Boggs, LE Gilbert
Science 197 (4302), 487-490, 1977
Resource allocation: exploring connections between foraging and life history
CL Boggs
Functional Ecology 6 (5), 508-518, 1992
Nutritional and life-history determinants of resource allocation in holometabolous insects
CL Boggs
The American Naturalist 117 (5), 692-709, 1981
A general model of the role of male-donated nutrients in female insects' reproduction
CL Boggs
The American Naturalist 136 (5), 598-617, 1990
Scientists' warning on climate change and insects
JA Harvey, K Tougeron, R Gols, R Heinen, M Abarca, PK Abram, Y Basset, ...
Ecological monographs 93 (1), e1553, 2023
Selection pressures affecting male nutrient investment at mating in heliconiine butterflies
CL Boggs
Evolution, 931-940, 1981
Reproductive strategies of female butterflies: variation in and constraints on fecundity
CL Boggs
Ecological Entomology 11 (1), 7-15, 1986
Butterflies: ecology and evolution taking flight
CL Boggs, WB Watt, PR Ehrlich
University of Chicago Press, 2003
Egg maturation strategy and its associated trade‐offs: a synthesis focusing on Lepidoptera
MA Jervis, CL Boggs, PN Ferns
Ecological Entomology 30 (4), 359-375, 2005
Population structure of pierid butterflies IV. Genetic and physiological investment in offspring by male Colias
CL Boggs, WB Watt
Oecologia 50, 320-324, 1981
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