Adam K Fetterman
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Neuroticism as a risk factor for behavioral dysregulation: A mindfulness-mediation perspective
AK Fetterman, MD Robinson, S Ode, KH Gordon
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 29 (3), 301-321, 2010
Priming creativity as a strategy to increase creative performance by facilitating the activation and use of remote associations
K Sassenberg, GB Moskowitz, A Fetterman, T Kessler
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 68, 128-138, 2017
The scope and consequences of metaphoric thinking: Using individual differences in metaphor usage to understand how metaphor functions.
AK Fetterman, JL Bair, M Werth, F Landkammer, MD Robinson
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 110 (3), 458, 2016
Do you use your head or follow your heart? Self-location predicts personality, emotion, decision making, and performance.
AK Fetterman, MD Robinson
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 105 (2), 316, 2013
Anger as “seeing red”: Evidence for a perceptual association
AK Fetterman, MD Robinson, BP Meier
Cognition & emotion 26 (8), 1445-1458, 2012
Anger as seeing red: Perceptual sources of evidence
AK Fetterman, MD Robinson, RD Gordon, AJ Elliot
Social psychological and personality science 2 (3), 311-316, 2011
Extending color psychology to the personality realm: Interpersonal hostility varies by red preferences and perceptual biases
AK Fetterman, T Liu, MD Robinson
Journal of personality 83 (1), 106-116, 2015
The politics of time: Conservatives differentially reference the past and liberals differentially reference the future
MD Robinson, DM Cassidy, RL Boyd, AK Fetterman
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 45 (7), 391-399, 2015
The burden of power: Construing power as responsibility (rather than as opportunity) alters threat-challenge responses
A Scholl, F de Wit, N Ellemers, AK Fetterman, K Sassenberg, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44 (7), 1024-1038, 2018
Neuroticism and responsiveness to error feedback: Adaptive self‐regulation versus affective reactivity
MD Robinson, SK Moeller, AK Fetterman
Journal of personality 78 (5), 1469-1496, 2010
On feeling warm and being warm: Daily perceptions of physical warmth fluctuate with interpersonal warmth
AK Fetterman, BM Wilkowski, MD Robinson
Social Psychological and Personality Science 9 (5), 560-567, 2018
For which side the bell tolls: The laterality of approach-avoidance associative networks
AK Fetterman, S Ode, MD Robinson
Motivation and Emotion 37, 33-38, 2013
Black and white as valence cues
BP Meier, AK Fetterman, MD Robinson
Social Psychology, 2015
The reputational consequences of failed replications and wrongness admission among scientists
AK Fetterman, K Sassenberg
PloS one 10 (12), e0143723, 2015
Miller (1944) revisited: Movement times in relation to approach and avoidance conflicts
RL Boyd, MD Robinson, AK Fetterman
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (6), 1192-1197, 2011
Threat≠ prevention, challenge≠ promotion: The impact of threat, challenge and regulatory focus on attention to negative stimuli
K Sassenberg, C Sassenrath, AK Fetterman
Cognition and Emotion 29 (1), 188-195, 2015
Losing one’s cool: Social competence as a novel inverse predictor of provocation-related aggression
MD Robinson, AK Fetterman, K Hopkins, S Krishnakumar
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (10), 1268-1279, 2013
Mental transportation mediates nostalgia’s psychological benefits
ND Evans, J Reyes, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, AK Fetterman
Cognition and Emotion 35 (1), 84-95, 2021
Power versus affiliation in political ideology: Robust linguistic evidence for distinct motivation-related signatures
AK Fetterman, RL Boyd, MD Robinson
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41 (9), 1195-1206, 2015
The myth of the angry atheist
BP Meier, AK Fetterman, MD Robinson, CM Lappas
Emotions and their influence on our personal, interpersonal and social …, 2018
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