Anand Kumar
Anand Kumar
Philips Healthcare
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Relations in biomedical ontologies
B Smith, W Ceusters, B Klagges, J Köhler, A Kumar, J Lomax, C Mungall, ...
Genome biology 6, 1-15, 2005
Comparing computer-interpretable guideline models: a case-study approach
M Peleg, S Tu, J Bury, P Ciccarese, J Fox, RA Greenes, R Hall, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 10 (1), 52-68, 2003
Experimental test of the quantum shot noise reduction theory
A Kumar, L Saminadayar, DC Glattli, Y Jin, B Etienne
Physical review letters 76 (15), 2778, 1996
Text mining and ontologies in biomedicine: making sense of raw text
I Spasic, S Ananiadou, J McNaught, A Kumar
Briefings in bioinformatics 6 (3), 239-251, 2005
The effect of stress rate and temperature on the strength of basalt and granite
A Kumar
Geophysics 33 (3), 501-510, 1968
Multivariate statistical analysis and geochemical modeling for geochemical assessment of groundwater of Delhi, India
CK Singh, A Kumar, S Shashtri, A Kumar, P Kumar, J Mallick
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 175, 59-71, 2017
Viscous drag on dislocations at high strain rates in copper
A Kumar, RG Kumble
Journal of Applied Physics 40 (9), 3475-3480, 1969
Automatic generation control of interconnected power systems using variable-structure controllers
WC Chan, YY Hsu
IEE Proceedings C (Generation, Transmission and Distribution) 128 (5), 269-279, 1981
Myofascial pain syndrome: an overview
A Saxena, M Chansoria, G Tomar, A Kumar
Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy 29 (1), 16-21, 2015
Analysis of Indian mint (Mentha spicata) for essential, trace and toxic elements and its antioxidant behaviour
RP Choudhury, A Kumar, AN Garg
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 41 (3), 825-832, 2006
Viscous drag on dislocations in aluminum at high strain rates
A Kumar, FE Hauser, JE Dorn
Acta Metallurgica 16 (9), 1189-1197, 1968
Dislocation damping in aluminum at high strain rates
WG Ferguson, A Kumar, JE Dorn
Journal of Applied Physics 38 (4), 1863-1869, 1967
On the application of formal principles to life science data: a case study in the Gene Ontology
B Smith, J Köhler, A Kumar
Data Integration in the Life Sciences: First International Workshop, DILS …, 2004
Needle stick injuries–risk and preventive factors: a study among health care workers in tertiary care hospitals in Pakistan
AAK Afridi, A Kumar, R Sayani
Global journal of health science 5 (4), 85, 2013
Ontology-based error detection in SNOMED-CT®
W Ceusters, B Smith, A Kumar, C Dhaen
MEDINFO 2004, 482-486, 2004
Bulk modulus of cubic perovskites
AS Verma, A Kumar
Journal of alloys and compounds 541, 210-214, 2012
Fabrication of durable and regenerable superhydrophobic coatings with excellent self-cleaning and anti-fogging properties for aluminium surfaces
J Lomga, P Varshney, D Nanda, M Satapathy, SS Mohapatra, A Kumar
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 702, 161-170, 2017
Investigating subsumption in SNOMED CT: An exploration into large description logic-based biomedical terminologies
O Bodenreider, B Smith, A Kumar, A Burgun
Artificial intelligence in medicine 39 (3), 183-195, 2007
Replacement arthroplasty of the valgus knee: a modified lateral capsular approach with repositioning of vastus lateralis
NJ Fiddian, C Blakeway, A Kumar
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 80 (5), 859-861, 1998
A noise detection scheme with 10 mK noise temperature resolution for semiconductor single electron tunneling devices
DC Glattli, P Jacques, A Kumar, P Pari, L Saminadayar
Journal of Applied Physics 81 (11), 7350-7356, 1997
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